
November 10, 2015

Reflections on TGC Women's Conference

Last weekend I had the privilege of attending The Gospel Coalition's Overflow Women's Conference featuring speakers Jani Ortlund, Ray Ortlund, and Jenny Salt. I had been looking forward to this conference for weeks - mostly because I have heard podcasts by Jani Ortlund on Revive Our Hearts and I have just fallen in love with her! What I appreciate the most about her is how she is so down to earth and how even though she is a mother of grown children and even a grandmother, she still remembers her days as a young mother so well! She seems to have a wealth of wisdom to offer from those days and as a young mom myself, I just soak everything up!
Hearing Jani speak in "real life" did not disappoint. It was such a blessing to be able to attend this conference, and I also equally enjoyed Ray and Jenny's sessions too! The sessions covered Community/Friendship, Marriage, Parenthood, Ministry, Bible Study, Prayer, and Mentorship.
One of the things that stood out most from this conference was something that Ray had talked about during his session on Ministry. He clarified that ministry does not only mean hosting a ladies' bible study or planning a church luncheon - ministry is wherever God has put you now. If you are a single woman working at a school, your ministry is those kids or your fellow colleagues. If you're married, your number one ministry is your husband! And if you are a mother, your ministry is your children and your husband.
When it comes to moms, it's so easy to get lost in the routine, day-to-day, ordinary things, and before you know it, you may feel as if your job isn't very important. Sometimes that feeling just sneaks up on me and I don't even realize it! But the thing is, our work is important because our work is eternal! When Ray said that, it really was like a smack in the face to me! My ministry of caring for the needs of my husband and daughter doesn't just mean something now, but it has eternal significance! And my job carries more weight and importance than a lot of other jobs that the world looks at as everything!
When you have that eternal perspective, it really does affect the way that you handle the everyday ordinary. You see things in a much, much bigger picture. And honestly, you don't have to be a wife or mom to have a ministry that matters forever! Wherever God has placed you, your work there has eternal significance. So what does that mean for you?

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